Recipe: the ambassador brownies aka chocolate hazelnut brownies

Chocolate hazelnut brownie

I am trying really hard to improve the photos I use on SHE-EATS. Sometimes I update old posts with new images (hello, ultimate brownie recipe and rabbit pie to name just a couple). But other times, a recipe is so good, that I want to share first and reshoot second. These chocolate hazelnut brownies are one example of that. I was snapping in a dark, winter kitchen on my phone as I baked, but the results were so good that I couldn’t not share! Next time I make them I will photograph again, but for now just sit back and enjoy the indulgence!

Fererro Rocher and Lindt Chocolate Spread / Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies / The Ambassadors Brownies / Recipe / SHE-EATSLynn Hill is the fantastic lady who created and manages the Clandestine Cake Club. Several months ago, she journeyed across the Pennines to join one of our club’s meet up. When she arrived she very kindly gave me a jar of Lindt hazelnut spread. Oh my goodness, this stuff is so good. It is thick, it’s chocolatey, it’s 40% hazelnut, it’s velvety…..if it were a house I would live in it!

A top view of a chocolate hazelnut brownie / Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies / The Ambassadors Brownies / Recipe / SHE-EATS

I hung on to the spread for months and months, saving it for some kind of VIP special occasion which risked never arriving. So using the hazelnuts as my inspiration, I eventually created a batch of brownies which the ambassador would serve if he were spoiling us!* Instead I shared with a dear friend and sent some to work with Andrew, saving just a couple for myself; because sometimes even I know that too much of a good thing means I can’t get in my trousers any more!

Fererro Rocher chocolates cut in half / Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies / The Ambassadors Brownies / Recipe / SHE-EATSFerrero Rocher were the natural bedfellow for this spread – they don’t melt but go soft in the baking process so give some interesting texture in the middle of the brownies.

Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies / The Ambassadors Brownies / Recipe / SHE-EATS

If you want to add more bite, throw in a couple of tablespoons of chopped hazelnuts and stir through – just don’t blend or they will be too fine.

Crisp top of a chocolate hazelnut brownie / Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies / The Ambassadors Brownies / Recipe / SHE-EATS

Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies
Prep Time
15 mins
Cook Time
30 mins
Total Time
45 mins

This mix of indulgent chocolate hazelnut spread and Fererro Rocher really would spoil your guests when you serve them up! 

Course: Dessert
Servings: 16
Author: Claire Thomas,
  • 270 g dark chocolate chopped
  • 125 g unsalted butter cubed
  • 250 g dark brown sugar
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 80 g 0% Greek yoghurt
  • 80 g plain all purpose flour
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • Milk I used skimmed, any will do
  • Approx. 100g chocolate hazelnut spread Lindt, Nutella etc
  • 8 Ferrero Rocher
  1. NB - I use a food processor for brownies as I am sure it gives them the crunchy top. Feel free to use a stand mixer with paddle beater or hand mixer if you have them.
  2. Ensure all ingredients are at room temperature.
  3. Line a brownie tin and preheat oven to 170c.

  4. Carefully with a sharp knife, cut the Fererro Rocher in half.
  5. Melt the butter and chocolate in a Bain Marie or a heat proof bowl over simmering water, and leave to cool slightly.
  6. Mix (or whisk) your eggs, sugar and yoghurt together until light and frothy.
  7. Add in the cooled chocolate/butter mix and whisk/mix in well.
  8. Gently fold in the flour and baking powder and pulse until just mixed.
  9. Pour in a splash of milk- enough to loosen the mixture to dropping consistency.

  10. If you are adding hazelnuts stir through by hand (the processor will obliterate them).
  11. Pour into your tray and smooth out using a butter knife or a palette knife if you have one.
  12. Push the Fererro Rocher halves in, cut side up, so they are almost covered.
  13. Blob teaspoons of the chocolate hazelnut spread over the top, and then use the knife again to swirl it around and cover as much of the surface as possible.
  14. Place in the middle of the oven and cook for 30-40 minutes until a tooth pick comes out pretty much clean.

  15. Resist the temptation to take it out of the tray until it is cool. Then lift it gently out and finish it on a rack before cutting it up.
Recipe Notes

My baking tray is 27cm x 18cm. For smaller/deeper trays, add a few minutes baking time. For longer/shallower trays, check earlier and be prepared to bring out of the oven before the time advised. 

* If that reference to iconic Fererro Roche adverts of old went totally over your head, watch this!

Chocolate Hazelnut Brownies / The Ambassadors Brownies / Recipe / SHE-EATS

Pin it 🙂

Posted by Claire

She eats. She drinks. She cooks. She travels. She learns. She tastes. She bakes. A foodie with exceptional taste! Always looking for the best food and drink producers from far and wide. Chocolate brownie queen. Judge: International Cheese Awards. Cheese fiend! Travel lover. What better way to discover new food, than to travel to it. Massive fan of The Archers. Crazy cat lady and proud. NW England / Manchester / UK Twitter & Insta: She_Eats_Blog Facebook: SheEatsBlog


  1. Pingback: Recipe Round-up – 6 Spectacular Sweets | HIBS100

  2. Pingback: Decadent Chocolate Hazelnut Brownie: A Must-Try Recipe!

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