This was my food and drink blog for many years, and I am still very proud of that. So much so, you can still find the She Eats food blog archived here.
However, it is time for me to move on. So whilst I no longer write the blog, there is lots of info here which I hope you find useful.
Cheese with Claire
I will soon offer talks and tastings in the North West about cheese. This is a really exciting new venture for me and I can’t wait to show you all what I have on offer!

Visit my cheese page to find out more.
I am a communications expert with over 20 years experience. I am very happy to talk about freelance opportunities, writing commissions and work.
In the past, many people found my blog because of my writing about my experience with a meningioma brain tumour. People find this useful, and it’s an important to talk about it, so if you search meningioma you will find my blog posts. I am also happy to speak to media outlets and charities about my experience – please just reach out to me.
She Eats blog
All the old blog posts are still here. Visit the blog archive to access them – those delicious brownie recipes need to be shared!