Review: Hotel Chocolat Easter Egg – The Egg That Keeps On Giving

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As if I haven’t had enough chocolate in my life of late, what with my recent chocolate workshop, then Hotel Chocolat go and send me one of their Easter eggs to try! Oh well, stop moaning, take one for the team and get stuck in Claire!

The Seriously Dark Fix Extra Thick Easter Egg is a deceptive egg with a not very catchy name! When I took it out of the lovely hat-box style packaging, we both thought it was maybe a little small. But looks can be deceiving and the clue is in the name.

Hotel Chocolat hatbox

The very chi-chi packaging

Firstly, tucked away in each half are six full sized, dark chocolate truffles. The raspberry liqueur and salt caramel are my favourites and they are so rich that you really only need a couple at a time to feel satisfied.

Then we get to the egg itself. As I said, my initial impression was that I had expected something bigger given the size of the box and the retail price. But actually I was getting far more than I bargained for because the chocolate is the thickest I have ever come across in an Easter egg.

How thick is that egg-cor!

How thick is that egg-cor!

The egg is 70% dark chocolate- really powerful so again a small piece goes a long way. One half is pure chocolate, the other has cocoa nibs dotted throughout. I love the plain version, but the cocoa nibs take it to another level, adding a slight nutty taste and some texture which really works in chocolate this dark.

Dark is my chocolate of choice, but this is serious stuff. This egg packs a punch and I really can’t fault it for quality or – despite my initial reservations – quantity. It is the egg that keeps on giving. The top quality of the chocolate plus the thickness of the egg means that we (yes we- I can’t do this alone!) only ever need a small piece at a time. At this rate it is going to have lasted over three week and that is a serious record in our house! It’s not an egg for the kids, but a serious indulgence for the grown-ups which will be enjoyed before, during and possibly even after Easter!

By the way, I always dark is my chocolate of choice, and back in the day this would guarantee that I never had to share because my hubby didn’t like it. He had white as his favourite (something I can always say no to). So how annoying that in the past couple of years he has decided that actually he does really like dark chocolate. Is nothing sacred any more?!

Please note, Hotel Chocolat has not paid for this review, but did send me an egg to try because they know I am a chocoholic!

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