Meal Planning Monday – 23rd June 2014

So safe to say last week’s meal planning did not go to plan! Thanks to football and a last minute BBQ invite we only had the chilli, salad and prawns, scallops and feta. The latter, an Ottolenghi recipe, was amazing with one of the tastiest tomato sauces ever. Yesterday Andrew made another amazing recipe from the same book yesterday – fish cakes – so it’s not all bad.

Meal Planning Monday Linky

We’ve started the week with sushi tonight as I’ve just handed in another piece of work for my post-grad so it was a little treat. Seriously if you live near me, Koi Japanese in Leigh is a must-visit for sushi.

So, what does the rest of the week hold in the kitchen?

  •  The tomato sauce from that prawn and scallop dish above, with either pancetta or fish
  • Saffron risotto- I bought a job lot of Spice Drops and can’t wait to try the saffron! So I am keeping it simple so the flavour can shine through
  • Greek salad with Greek marinated chicken – I have an idea of what this marinade will consist of but am basically making it up as I go along!
  • Thai turkey kebabs – again with the Spice Drops and using lean white meat as much as I can
  • Salad with mackerel pate – home made mackerel pate is a bit of an obsession at the moment. If we don’t have this for tea it will certainly make it in to our lunch boxes
  • Pizza- seriously I need anchovies! It will be anchovies, veg and a sprinkle of feta I think for me


Last week was quite ‘meat light’ (apart from the BBQ), and I even got Andrew to eat beans in his chilli which could be a massive result as he has snubbed them for the last eleven years!

I have to go and see a health trainer tomorrow as it turns out I have high cholesterol. So am trying to cut back on red meats – which we don’t eat a lot of any way- and make some great flavours with chicken and turkey.  It will be interesting to hear what she has to say. I think I eat a pretty balanced diet and I really don’t want to start having to use stuff like that cholesterol lowering Flora and the like- would be odd if they make me eat margarine when I don’t normally! Anyway, I am second guessing, hopefully I can get some good advice as it has come as something of a shock. I will let you know…

Right now, I am off to buy a BBQ- our’s went rusty and my hubby has decided on a new one- eek!

What ever you’re doing this week, I hope it involves some delicious food.

Ooh, one last thing- I am running a comp to win tickets to Foodies Festival- check it out and enter here!

Happy cooking!

Claire x


This post is part of the ‘meal planning Monday’ linky brought to us by At Home With Mrs M.


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Posted by Claire

She eats. She drinks. She cooks. She travels. She learns. She tastes. She bakes. A foodie with exceptional taste! Always looking for the best food and drink producers from far and wide. Chocolate brownie queen. Judge: International Cheese Awards. Cheese fiend! Travel lover. What better way to discover new food, than to travel to it. Massive fan of The Archers. Crazy cat lady and proud. NW England / Manchester / UK Twitter & Insta: She_Eats_Blog Facebook: SheEatsBlog


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