Blood Orange Vodka

I tried my hand at infusing spirits last year with some interesting results: the damson gin is dangerously sweet and non-alcoholic tasting. The rhubarb vodka, which I was looking forward to the most, was vile. My rhubarb was a bit thin so the flavour didn’t come through. Instead all I got was the flavour of cloves. Oh well, it made the sink nice and shiny as I poured it away!

Undeterred by this slight disaster (and massive waste of vodka) I have decided to give my vodka a blood orange infusion to see how that works out. I love blood oranges- the colour makes me happy and they are always super juicy.

Blood Oranges I was winging it in terms of a method, but I basically sliced 2 blood oranges, put them in the bottom of a large, steralised, jar with just a touch of sugar (about a tablespoon I would guess) and half a bottle of vodka. Some of the slices were given a little squeeze on the way into the jar to release the juice, some were left to work their magic naturally.

Blood oranges in vodka

I am giving it a little shake every day when I walk past (but I am pretty certain that this will soon turn to every few days when the novelty wears off) and am hoping that in a few weeks time I will have a subtle tang of orange in there to make into some fabulous cocktail or other.

I will, of course,report back on the result some time in April.


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