Blogger Tag!

Here’s a bit of fun for a chilly evening. The lovely Susan who writes Not Just Any Old Baking blog and tweets as TwitTotteehas been tagging fellow bloggers to try and get us to all find out a wee bit more about each other. The idea is that you answer a set list of questions and give an insight to the person behind the blog. I was touched to be asked as I haven’t been doing this for that long, so here we go…

Blogger tag
What, or who inspired you to start a blog?
I wasn’t getting to do much creative writing at work, so this started off as a way to keep my creative brain working and sharing some experiences. Turns out, I really love it!
Who is your foodie inspiration?
Tricky one this. My mum admits that she never bakes, and my nan was a great baker but died before my interest in food took hold. So I guess it was just a desire to cook good food for myself, and then later on, my husband. Plus, I am quite greedy so I realised that if I wanted a good, tasty cake then I would have to make it myself!
Cook-wise I do love Nigella. Come on, she doesn’t take herself too seriously like some of the macho male chefs and she has food which I want to make and isn’t faffy. Plus I think the whole licking spoons, bambi eyes to camera thing makes it’s fun!

Your greasiest, batter – splattered food/drink book is?

I have a little mini cake book which was free in a copy of BBC Good Food Magazine several years ago. It has my favourite brownie recipe in as well as loads of other tasty treats. Gorgeous Cakes by Annie Bell is also a favourite of fail proof cakes.

Tell us all about the best thing you have ever eaten in another country, where was it, what was it?

There are a few stand-outs for me.

On our honeymoon, we had a meal at Rockpool in Sydney. I don’t remember any of the meal except the melt in the mouth passion fruit marshmallow served at the end. We still talk about that marshmallow is hushed, reverential tones!
Same holiday, we enjoyed something like 8 courses in a bubble on the ocean floor in the Maldives. The mixture of great pan-asian style food, odd blue cocktails and an out of this world location with rays, sharks and exotic fish swimming around made it my favourite meal ever.
On a completely different level, we ate in a tiny family restaurant in Bangkok a few years back. The curry’s were sublime but we started with a pick & mix of tiny dried shrimps, cashew nuts, mango, lime, chillis and palm sugar which we wrapped in kale leaves and munched on. The flavours were out of this world.
Another food bloggers table you’d like to eat at is?

I am lucky- I get to eat at my best friend’s house quite a lot. She is Sally who writes Meals I Eat– an online diary of her fabulous cooking!

What is the one kitchen gadget you would ask Santa for this year (money no object of course)?

A pizza stone- I am told it will revolutionise my pizza! Failing that, an ice cream maker attachment for my Kitchenaid…although I feel the pizza stone would get more use than the ice cream maker!

Who taught you how to cook?

Self taught really. Obviously I watched my parents cook but when I left home for university with a steamer and discovered what broccoli could taste like, I started to work things out for myself.

I’m coming to you for dinner what’s your signature dish?

I really don’t have one – it always depends on who I am cooking for and what time of year. So right now you might have stew and dumplings or paella followed by a lemony treacle tart or a crumble. Comfort food!

What is your guilty food pleasure?

Plastic cheese slices on thick sliced white toast- preferably Warburtons. Hangover food of choice!

Reveal something about yourself that others would be surprised to learn?

I can’t grow tomatoes for love nor money.

I was tourism officer for Wigan – yes Wigan- for several years! And doon’t mock – I loved that job and I am still a fierce advocate for the place!
Finally…tag 5 other food bloggers with these questions…like a hot baked potato…pass it on!
Oh crikey, I will have a think and revisit this…


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