It’s not you, it’s me.
This isn’t a break up. Just a break.
I think we should get out and see other people.
Folks, I don’t mind telling you that I am knackered. I am working towards my first assignment on the post grad course I started in January, and on top of a very busy period of work, it is taking its toll on my brain.
So I need to take a blogging break. I love writing and I love to share my recipes and thoughts, but right now I need to focus my writing efforts on my academic work. After all, what’s the point in doing something like that if you’re not focused on it? Am loving the study – every week I am learning something new, but I am so unused to academic research and writing it’s untrue!
So rather than worry that my blog is languishing and turning out poorly written posts with no time or love spent on them, I have decided to step away from here until my first deadline has passed at Easter.
By then I will a) have handed in my first assignment, b) had a short break and hopefully recharged my batteries and had some sleep and c) have some time to write the posts which are currently on my to do list.
I’ve also taken my recipe link up offline- I don’t realistically have the time to promote it and also someone pointed me to a calendar of linkys to promote it and it turns out that I was duplicating something which already exists! See, no time to research these things *sighs*. But hopefully when I am back I will try and get involved in more of these as I think they are great fun.
I am always so grateful that there are people out there actually reading my blog- so thank you all for sticking with me. After July it will be 100% normal service. But I hope that you will pop back at Easter for posts which I can already safely assume will include Easter brownies and some kind of fun with rhubarb amongst others.
And here is a gratuitous cute cat photo to leave you with!
Thanks and keep on cookin’!
xx Claire xx
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