DD Thai Curry Sauces

A few weeks back someone started a new food and craft fair just a couple of miles up the road from me. This is great news- for too long I have moaned that Leigh is a bit of a gastronomic wasteland, so I was there is a shot having a good nosey round.

The food and craft fair at Lowton Civic Hall was a bit too craft heavy for me (and a lot of it was quite samey to boot) but there was some interesting food so I came back with a little pile of goodies.

DD Thai Food

The couple running the company look just like the cute cartoon on the packaging!

One item in my haul was this red Thai curry sauce from DD Thai Foods. DD are based in Warrington and – looking at their website- do catering as well as selling their sauces. They sell them frozen and they are good for three days once defrosted.

After sampling a couple at the stand I took to this red curry sauce for one simple reason. It is way spicier than your average shop bought red Thai sauce! It has a real kick which jars of red Thai, and even pastes, don’t have. I loaded it with fresh veg and poached chicken and it was a delicious meal. Even though it was spicy, those Thai flavours which I love – lemongrass, ginger-still shone through.

Thai Red Curry with DD Thai Sauce

I can’t now remember how much it was, maybe £4 but I now want to try some of their other sauces.

The Food and Craft Fair is back at Lowton Civic on March 9th so I will be giving it another visit to stock up on these sauces!

Posted by Claire

She eats. She drinks. She cooks. She travels. She learns. She tastes. She bakes. A foodie with exceptional taste! Always looking for the best food and drink producers from far and wide. Chocolate brownie queen. Judge: International Cheese Awards. Cheese fiend! Travel lover. What better way to discover new food, than to travel to it. Massive fan of The Archers. Crazy cat lady and proud. NW England / Manchester / UK Twitter & Insta: She_Eats_Blog Facebook: SheEatsBlog


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