Role Play in Frankie & Bennys

Leigh now has a mind boggling two options for lunch; A nice Wetherspoons pub which has great real ales and a Frankie & Benny’s which opened just before Christmas. So we decided to try the latter for a quick lunch last week as Wetherspoons is our normal choice.

What an odd experience. We were greeted at the door:
Greeter- oh hello you. You’re not going to cause any trouble like last time are you?
Me (confused) – err, eh, what? We’ve never been here before. What the…
He was already walking us to our table.
Greeter- see that bloke in the stripy shirt stood at the bar? He doesn’t work here, just hangs around pestering the staff. Awkward silence. So, are you eating from the lunch menu…

This weird, and frankly uncomfortable exchange, is obviously (I hope) some kind of corporate script. The thing is, I don’t mind the lunch menu at F&B- it’s cheap and the Caesar salad is good. But I can do without the dramatics please- its embarrassing to watch the staff going through the am-dram. Kids might find it funny but not me, so please Frankie & Benny’s, pack it in!

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