Photo Diary: Science Themed Afternoon Tea, Cloud 23

Manchester is the European City of Science this year; a worthy title for the home of graphene and Alan Turning. There’s a tonne of high brow stuff going on but Cloud 23 at the Hilton have created a science themed afternoon tea! Yup scones just got geeky! Science themed afternoon tea

There’s no denying it’s a good looking treat but really the science is in the names (some of which I didn’t even understand!). Science themed afternoon tea

The savouries were all really tasty. Science themed afternoon tea Science themed afternoon teaElmer salmon: beetroot salmon in a brioche roll.

Logarithmic spiral: feta, spinach and pesto puff pastry.  Galileo: peppery rocket and bresaola. (not pictured)

Science themed afternoon teaArchimedes: mini bagel with tasty salsa and mozzarella.

Let’s face it people love afternoon tea for the sweet stuff!

Science themed afternoon teaLunar ‘moon rock’ scone. Not at all rock like it was a lovely lightly fruited scone served with jam and clotted cream. We all agreed that we’d rather have had butter than cream though.

Science themed afternoon tea Science themed afternoon tea Bauersfeld planetarium battenburg. This little cake certainly looked the part with a ring of creamy white chocolate. But the problem with the rainbow food fad is that the food colouring dried the cake out. And it wasn’t battenburg – no marzipan!

Science themed afternoon tea Dalton minted macaroon. Was supposed to have a pipette of syrup but they were out of pipettes. I’d say that if you’re having a science themed menu, stock up on pipettes…

Science themed afternoon tea Einstein’s brain shot! A mini cocktail of Baileys, grenadine and some brain goo in the bottom!

Science themed afternoon teaVesuvius: a chocolate volcano with a creamy white chocolate interior. Disappointingly there was no sign of the advertised crackle candy (I assume popping candy) and if the red ‘eruption’ had chilli in it we couldn’t taste it.

There’s a really good list of teas, coffees and hot chocolates to enjoy with the meal and there is an option to have a cocktail as well – science themed of course! My sis is modelling hers here! Science themed afternoon tea

If you don’t know Manchester, Cloud 23 is on the 23rd floor of the Hilton so has some great views if you’ve a head for heights. The science tea costs quite a bit more than the standard one, and even more if you add a cocktail, and to be honest I’m not sure it’s worth the extra. Sure there’s a couple of cute looking desserts but the traditional tea there looked really nice and with more savouries on it. Science themed afternoon tea

One for science geeks with muchos disposable income.

So tell me, where should I be going for my next afternoon tea?

    Science afternoon tea / SHE-EATS                    

Posted by Claire

She eats. She drinks. She cooks. She travels. She learns. She tastes. She bakes. A foodie with exceptional taste! Always looking for the best food and drink producers from far and wide. Chocolate brownie queen. Judge: International Cheese Awards. Cheese fiend! Travel lover. What better way to discover new food, than to travel to it. Massive fan of The Archers. Crazy cat lady and proud. NW England / Manchester / UK Twitter & Insta: She_Eats_Blog Facebook: SheEatsBlog

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